Zach Phillips – How to do many things without overcommitting?

Zach Phillips has a family, runs a film-making studio and a startup, and also writes every single day. How does he manage so many things without driving himself crazy?
Zach Phillips is a husband, father of 2, runs a film-making studio and an internet startup. Besides all this, he also manages to find time to write every day and has been doing so for the past 40+ days (at the time of interview).

The question is, how does he manage so many things without driving himself crazy?

When I asked Zach, he gave a very self-contradictory answer and explained precisely how it plays out for him. Well, he’s a storyteller; he can grab your attention, hold it, and then lead you to a place he wants to take you.

Find out in this episode, how does he manage to do many things by not overcommitting to them?


You can follow Zach on Twitter. If you’re not on Twitter, you can see his blog – that’s where his blog is, and that’s where he is. (Definitely check out his exciting blog!)

Also, do subscribe to his newsletter, where every weekend he sends all the things he wrote in the week, some updates, and sometimes, pictures of his kids.


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